Dimensions: 7.5″ x 1″ x .25″
**Please Note**
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Bamboo Care
Being a natural product, there will be some variance in color and darkness of the laser engraving. We suggest hand washing to ensure years of beautiful presentation.
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Order Info
- Minimum for Imprinted Orders is: 100 pieces per item
- All Prices include up to a 2″ Laser Engraved Logo
- Please send art files to artwork@lotechsales.com or submit file with order through website.
- Production time is one week.
- Shipping is FOB Littleton, CO
- Call for Quantity Discounts!
Bamboo Fun Facts
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- Bamboo (Bambusoidae) is actually one of twelve subfamilies of grass.
- Bamboo is grown organically. It needs no irrigation, pesticides or fertilizers.
- Bamboo is not only renewable–it is rapidly renewable. It can grow up to three feet in one day.
- Bamboo is 16% harder than hard maple.
- A bamboo grove can release one third more oxygen and absorb twice the carbon dioxide of an equivalent stand of tress.
- Two and a half acres of bamboo can produce 60 tons of material and be harvested every 3-6 years. Two and a half acres of trees produces 20 tons and is harvestable after decades.
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- Bamboo is the material of choice used for construction scaffolding for Hong Kong’s skyscrapers. There are 1,750 registered bamboo scaffolders in Hong Kong.
- Bamboo is 100% biodegradable.
- Bamboo is less porous than hardwoods, soaking up less water and harboring less bacteria.
- Bamboo’s strength and versatility also allows it to be used for bicycle frames, bridges, re bar in concrete and even clothing.
- Bamboo is native to all continents except Europe and Antarctica.
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